Prophetia Anglicana &Romana
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Prophetia Anglicana & Romana, hoc est Merlini Ambrosii Britanni: ex incvbo olim, ante annos mille ducentos in Anglia nati Vaticinia, à Galfredo Monumetensi [sic: should read: Monemutensi] latine conscripta…
[Francofurti: Typis Joannis Spiessii sumptibus Joannis Jacobi Porssii, 1608]
This edition of Merlin's Prophecies, from the Flintshire Harries Arthurian Collection, bears witness to the popularity of both romance and prophecy in the seventeenth century. It is extracted from Geoffrey of Monmouth's twelfth-century Historia regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain), itself the best-selling 'history' that marks the start of both Arthurian chronicle and Arthurian romance writing after the Conquest.