Sir Thomas Malory Le Morte D'Arthur: An Adaptation
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Poulton, Mike Sir Thomas Malory Le Morte D'Arthur: An Adaptation. London: Nick Hern Books, 2010.
Mike Poulton's dramatic adaptation of Malory's Morte D'Arthur focuses, he writes in his introduction, on Malory's last two books with 'whatever material I needed from the earlier books to set the stage.' In recognizing the dramatic quality of Malory's concluding books, Poulton follows in the footsteps of T. H. White, who initially intended to make the fourth book of his Once and Future King a drama. Poulton notes that these books have 'more dialogue than in the earlier books, great drama, and a driving, tragic engine.' The play covers quite a few incidents in its first two parts but must do so very sketchily in order to include many of the incidents from Malory's text that prepare for the final tragedy. Nevertheless, Poulton greatly abbreviates the story of the Grail, in which he makes Percival the sole Grail knight and omits Galahad and Bors. He also eliminates the entire book of Tristram.